Please visit the following links for valuable information & resources regarding the workforce changes, disaster relief, etc. Articles & resources are updated/added weekly. COVID-19 Resources From the UA Website NYS DOL Unemployment Insurance Update 4-13-2020 New NYS Unemployment Insurance Process 4-10-2020 Updated NYS DOL Unemployment Insurance Benefits FAQs 3-31-2020 Letter From Bill Kurtz 3-31-2020, Construction Update, CARES Act Info & …
A Letter From Bill Kurtz RE Covid-19
Please click HERE to view a letter from our Business Manager, Bill Kurtz, regarding COVID-19 & updates on the Union Hall. Thank you.
3/19/20 Office Staff UPDATE!
The Union, JATC & Benefit Office staff will be very limited until further notice: Business Manager, Bill Kurtz & Benefit Office Manager, Steve Ostrander will remain in their offices, full time. Jim Caternolo, Business Agent & Todd Northrop, Organizer will be rotating throughout the week. John Carpenter, JATC Coordinator, will be mostly working from home. Alana Colotti, Tricia Marciano & …
NOTICE: CBA & Raise Allocation Vote – 3/24/20
Click HERE to view the CBA Voting Rules, Info & OPTIONS! MARCH UNION MEETING & CBA VOTE The regular union meeting for March 24th will be cancelled. The CBA & raise allocation vote will a MAIL-IN BALLOT. The ballots should be mailed out by the end of March. Please return the filled out ballot by mail no later than April …
UA Local #13 is committed to the health & safety of our members, staff & community. Please read the following updates & make sure you are following protocol. APPRENTICES: All apprenticeship classes are suspended until further notice. This includes regularly scheduled classes & open welding. For continuity; please EMAIL John Carpenter at UNEMPLOYMENT LIST: If you get laid off, …
2020 LU13 IAP Scholarship Application
The 2020 LU13 IAP Scholarship application is now available! If you are a member in good standing & have a high school senior that is graduating this year.. have them fill out our application & return to Alana in the front office by Friday, March 13th. Any questions please call Alana at (585) 338-2360. Click HERE for the LU13 IAP …
2019 General Election of Officers RESULTS!
The results of the 2019 General Election of Officers are in… President (Unopposed): DAN O’NEIL Vice President (1): ROB AMERING Recording Secretary (Unopposed): FRANK DECARLO Inside Guard (1):COLTON MATTLE Business Manager (Unopposed): BILL KURTZ Business Agent (1): JIM CATERNOLO Treasurer (Unopposed): CLINT BYER Executive Board (4): JAMIE ARENA, KEVIN COLEMAN, JAKE EISENHAUER, JOE MAGRI Finance Board (Unopposed): SEAN GOREVSKI, TODD …
UA Call to Action!
WE NEED YOUR HELP! Every UA member knows the importance of our apprenticeship programs and how they build the best tradespeople in the industry. BUT, greedy anti-union contractors want to destroy them! See attached for more information and HAVE YOUR VOICE HEARD BY the DOL NO LATER THAN AUGUST 26TH! UA Journeymen/Retirees visit: UA Apprentices visit: Friends & …
Please CLICK HERE to review the NEW sexual harassment training policy & get signed up for a training ASAP!!!!! All active members will be required to have this training.
New System in Process!
ATTN Members: We are in the process of switching databases. Eventually, you will be able to pay your dues online. Yes – any time of day or night! More info on that soon.. In the mean time, please make sure you contact the hall to verify or correct any of your contact information. We really need your CELL PHONE and …