New Yorkers For Affordable Energy!

The NYS Pipe Trades belongs to the New Yorkers for Affordable Energy Coalition. Click the link to view the recent ad by NY4AE.…/03/NYAE_30_10MB.mp4


CLIMATE ACTION In 2019, state lawmakers authorized the Climate Action Council to develop a plan for reaching the state’s climate goals. Recently, that plan was published. Their plans include: • Bans on: o New gas service to existing buildings o Natural gas use in new buildings o New natural gas-based appliances (cooking, home heating, water heating, clothes drying) o Gasoline-fueled …

COVID-19 Related Medical Costs

ATTENTION ALL ACTIVE LOCAL 13 EXCELLUS HEALTH PLAN PARTICIPANTS Please be advised that effective January 15, 2022, COVID-19 related medical costs will now be covered by your medical plan. Please use the link provided here for complete information regarding this new addition to your Excellus medical coverage.…/covid-866M9-3164OX.html