Pension Fund Forms

Your UA Local 13 Pension Fund is an important part of your overall benefits.   Unlike your Annuity, your Pension is a defined benefit that provides a constant monthly lifetime income to both you and your spouse.

The UA Local 13 Fund Office monitors your Pension Fund credits throughout the year by allocating all monthly monetary contributions received on your behalf and dividing those amounts by the current Local 13 pension contribution rate in effect at the time the credit was earned.

The Fund Office will provide a Pension Plan Annual Summary Statement to all eligible participants that will explain the amount of benefit accrued by each participant during that particular calendar year along with a total career summary listing hours and credits earned since initiation.  The Annual Summaries are mailed out to all participants no later than March 15 of any given year.

If you are already retired and are currently in pay status, but wish to change your tax withholding rate, please use the link to the right to download the correct form or contact the Fund Office directly.

If you require any further assistance, or if you would like to speak to anyone within the Fund Office, please call during normal business hours; 8:00 am-5:00 pm Monday through Friday EST by using the contact information below.

  • UA Local 13 Fund Manager

Steve Ostrander

  • Fund Administration

Steve Ostrander, Fund Manager

Tricia Marciano, Insurance and Administrator Specialist

Debbi Edizel, Annuity Specialist

  • Contact Us

Phone: (585) 338-2310

Phone: (800) 224-8544

Fax: (585) 544-3993
