Apprenticeship Program

Apprenticeship in the pipe trades is a highly selective program, each candidate is carefully screened. No one with drug or alcohol problems can qualify and acceptance for training depends on the applicant’s qualifications and the manpower needs of the Local at the time of the selection process.
The Plumbing & Heating Joint Apprenticeship and Training Council of Rochester, UA Local #13 has a continuous application process with interviews once a year. The following is a description of each Apprenticeship Field:

A Plumber/Pipefitter/HVACR Apprentice assembles, installs and repairs pipes, fittings and fixtures of water and drainage systems; according to specifications and plumbing codes. Studies building plans and working drawings to determine sequence of installation. He learns proper use of work related tools and equipment pertaining to trades.
The Apprentice lays out, fabricates, assembles, installs and maintains piping systems, and equipment for steam, hot water, heating, cooling and industrial processing systems.
The Apprentice assists in the installation of Heating and Air Conditioning systems. Assembles and installs variety of piping for air, ammonia, gas and water systems. Works on electrical installation and wiring for HVAC equipment, switches and controls. Also recovery of refrigerant gasses (CFC Certified). Start test and balance air or water systems.