For the July 3rd, 2018 apprenticeship open application date.. we will only be doing the morning session. If you would like to apply for the apprenticeship, please stop down to the Union Hall from 9:00am-11:00am on Tuesday, July 3rd. This ONLY applies to the July 3rd date. All other application dates will have both morning & afternoon sessions. Thank you.
HVAC Job Fair!
The MCA (Mechanical Contractors Association of Rochester) is putting on an HVAC Job Fair on Saturday, March 31st at the Doubletree. Please see HVAC Job Fair Flyer for more information.
Election Results!
The results of the Election are IN… Business Agent: Jim Caternolo Inside Guard: Robert Betkowski Conference Board: Clint Byer, John Carpenter & Jim Caternolo Pension: Jim Caternolo All other elected positions ran unopposed and are as follows: President: Dan O’Neil Vice President: Nate Burdick Recording Secretary: Frank DeCarlo Business Manager: William Kurtz Treasurer: Clint Byer Executive Board: Robert Amering, Jamie …
Memo from Benefit Office Regarding Excellus BC/BS Cyber Attack 9/9/15
Please click here to view a memo written on 9/9/15 from the UA Local 13 Benefit Office regarding the Excellus Blue Cross & Blue Shield cyber attack.
Seabreeze Picnic in the Labor News!
Did you happen to see the Labor News article about our Seabreeze picnic?! Click here to check it out! Thanks to all who came, we hope everyone had a good time!