Want To Be In The May/June Issue of the UA Journal?

Want to be in the May/June issue of the UA Journal?!

The United Association is looking for COVID-19 stories and full-resolution cell phone original photos (no texted or reduced-sized photos as these will not work for print publishing.) from our Local areas.

These photos must follow the CDC guidelines for social distancing, proper PPE being worn properly etc. Please see attached photo example.

In order to meet the print date of June 1, we will need all material for this COVID-19 issue sent in to the email address covid-19stories@uanet.org no later than Monday, May 4, which will give us roughly three weeks to collect stories and pictures. Again, the address to send in full-size photos and your Local COVID-19 stories is covid-19stories@uanet.org.

Thank you all for your help with this important project. With your help, we will have a record of what our members are doing during this crisis to help protect the health of the nation.